Giving advice on all aspects of buying and selling art works and collections. Our aim is to advise our clients around the world and to assist them in acquiring and disposing of works of art. Most collectors are either art lovers or treat art as an investment asset. We follow our clients’ interests in advising them on how to acquire art and what to buy; when they wish to dispose of artworks, we will also advise them on the best ways to sell. We can assist new buyers from the introductory stages to the final stage of having artworks delivered safely to the buyer. This may include assistance with research, negotiation, insurance, transport, and shipping. 對藝術作品和收藏品的購買和銷售的各個方面提出意見。我們的服务对象是向世界各地的客戶,並協助他們收購及出售的藝術作品。 多數收藏家不是藝術愛好者就是將藝術品作為一種投資資產。我們遵循我們客戶的利益,指導他們如何獲得藝術品和買什麼,他們希望出售作品的時候,我們也會建議他們以最好的方式出售。我們可以協助新買家從入門咨詢信息,到最後藝術品安全地交付給買方,其中還包括研究,談判,保險,運輸和航運等等。 美術作品と収集に関する売買の、すべての側面における助言。 私共は、世界中の顧客の皆様に対して助言し、美術作品の獲得や処分のお手伝いをさせて頂くことを目的としています。 多くの収集家の方々は、美術愛好家、もしくは芸術を投資資産とみなしている方達です。私共は、どのように美術作品を取得するのか、何を購入するべきなのか等、顧客の皆様のご興味ご関心に従って助言して参ります。もしも、美術作品の処分をお望みでしたら、勿論、最善の売却方法について助言致します。新たに購入されたい方々に向けては、初めの一歩から、安全な配送に至る最終の段階まで、調査、交渉、保険、運搬、発送の全行程を含め、お手伝いさせて頂きます。 |

New project - Traditional handmade craft’s sustainability in the 21st century AI era
The combination of traditional handmade craft and scientific technique can lead to innovative and high-quality products. Traditionally, handmade craft involves the skilful use of traditional tools and techniques passed down through generations. Craftsmen typically rely on their experience, intuition, and creativity to craft unique and aesthetically pleasing products.
On the other hand, scientific techniques involve the use of scientific knowledge, research, and experimentation to solve problems and improve the production process. These techniques can include advancements in material science, technology, and engineering, among others.
When these two approaches are combined, it becomes possible to preserve the authenticity and cultural heritage of traditional craft, while also benefiting from modern scientific advancements. For example, in the realm of pottery, potters can leverage scientific techniques to improve clay formulations, glazes, and firing processes, resulting in more durable and aesthetically appealing ceramic products.
Similarly, with many other materials, the combination of traditional handmade craft and scientific technique not only enhances the quality and functionality of products but also contributes to the sustainability and preservation of traditional crafts. By incorporating scientific advancements, craftsmen can adapt their craft to changing market demands and effectively compete in today's global economy, ensuring the continuity of their traditions for future generations.
Simultaneously, disparate antique and contemporary art are two distinct styles of artistic expression that have evolved over time.
Antique art refers to artworks created in ancient times or during historical periods. These artworks are typically characterised by their historical and cultural significance.
While antique art focuses on historical and cultural significance, contemporary art and craft focus on individual creativity, experimentation, and pushing artistic boundaries. However, both styles of art are valued for their aesthetic qualities, and ability to evoke emotions and stimulate thoughts.
In the art market, antique art is often associated with rarity and historical value, while contemporary art and craft are known for its innovation and ability to reflect contemporary issues and lifestyle changes. Both antique and contemporary art and craft continue to be appreciated and collected by art enthusiasts and institutions worldwide.
I have a background in studying East Asian antiques, contemporary art, craft and graphic design, so the idea naturally comes if I could merge traditional craftsmanship with new innovations and using 21st-century incorporating advanced technologies, creativities and inquisitive promoting methods, we can create unique and artistically intriguing pieces, connecting artists, craftsmen and consumers, enhancing sustainability and improving our living environment and quality.
The combination of traditional handmade craft and scientific technique can lead to innovative and high-quality products. Traditionally, handmade craft involves the skilful use of traditional tools and techniques passed down through generations. Craftsmen typically rely on their experience, intuition, and creativity to craft unique and aesthetically pleasing products.
On the other hand, scientific techniques involve the use of scientific knowledge, research, and experimentation to solve problems and improve the production process. These techniques can include advancements in material science, technology, and engineering, among others.
When these two approaches are combined, it becomes possible to preserve the authenticity and cultural heritage of traditional craft, while also benefiting from modern scientific advancements. For example, in the realm of pottery, potters can leverage scientific techniques to improve clay formulations, glazes, and firing processes, resulting in more durable and aesthetically appealing ceramic products.
Similarly, with many other materials, the combination of traditional handmade craft and scientific technique not only enhances the quality and functionality of products but also contributes to the sustainability and preservation of traditional crafts. By incorporating scientific advancements, craftsmen can adapt their craft to changing market demands and effectively compete in today's global economy, ensuring the continuity of their traditions for future generations.
Simultaneously, disparate antique and contemporary art are two distinct styles of artistic expression that have evolved over time.
Antique art refers to artworks created in ancient times or during historical periods. These artworks are typically characterised by their historical and cultural significance.
While antique art focuses on historical and cultural significance, contemporary art and craft focus on individual creativity, experimentation, and pushing artistic boundaries. However, both styles of art are valued for their aesthetic qualities, and ability to evoke emotions and stimulate thoughts.
In the art market, antique art is often associated with rarity and historical value, while contemporary art and craft are known for its innovation and ability to reflect contemporary issues and lifestyle changes. Both antique and contemporary art and craft continue to be appreciated and collected by art enthusiasts and institutions worldwide.
I have a background in studying East Asian antiques, contemporary art, craft and graphic design, so the idea naturally comes if I could merge traditional craftsmanship with new innovations and using 21st-century incorporating advanced technologies, creativities and inquisitive promoting methods, we can create unique and artistically intriguing pieces, connecting artists, craftsmen and consumers, enhancing sustainability and improving our living environment and quality.
Promoting Art Education and Cultural Exchange
*We curate art exhibitions and art fairs, organise academic conferences and discussion panel meetings. Energetically promoting art education by holding open public lectures, special courses, publishing online articles for all levels of art lovers. 促進藝術教育和文化交流: *我們策劃藝術展覽和藝術博覽會,舉辦學術論壇,討論會,大力推進藝術教育,舉辦各種公共講座,專業講座,為各界藝術愛好者在網上發布相關文章和信息。 美術教育と文化交流の促進: *各種美術展、アートフェア等の企画管理と、学会、パネルディスカッションの組織運営を実施致します。 *美術を愛するすべての方々に向けて、公開講座の開催、美術教育を推進、 オンラインの記事を公開いたします。 |
For Buyers
*Complimentary and confidential consultations *Advice on the art market, market reports, updates on market trends, global sourcing, seeking value and quality, following the interests of our clients. *Research and authentication *Accompaniment to private viewings in person *Negotiation, bidding on buyers’ behalf *Administration of purchases *Commissions are only charged on completed transactions. 對於買家: *免費和保密的磋商 *在藝術市場上,市場報告,市場趨勢的更新方面提供建議, 根據我們客戶的愛好和品味,全球尋找,尋求貨真價值的收藏作品 *研究和驗證 *伴隨客人鑑賞作品 *談判,代表買家投標 *代辦購買手續 *完成交易後才收取佣金。 購入者の皆様: *優待かつ守秘義務によるコンサルテーション *美術市場に関する助言、市場リポート、世界市場動向報告等、顧客の皆様のご興味に従って、価値と質を求めたソーシング。 *研究と鑑定、 *個人視察における個別同伴 *購入者の代理人として交渉、及び入札 *購入の実践管理 *手数料は、成立した取引においてのみ発生致します。 |
For Sellers
*Complimentary and confidential consultations *Advice on art markets, market reports, updates on market trends *Expert, objective, and confidential advice *Global contacts with private collectors, museums and institutions, investment funds, respected art dealers and auction houses *Curating exhibitions, private views *Help in choosing the best method, venue and time to sell to achieve maximum returns If you are interested in any of these subjects, please submit your contact and interest through our email or contact us directly. 對於賣家: *免費和保密的磋商 *建議在藝術市場上,市場報告,市場趨勢的更新 *專家,客觀,保密的諮詢 *與全球私人收藏家,博物館和機構,投資基金,受人尊敬的藝術經紀人和拍賣行聯繫。 *策展的展覽,私人觀賞會 *幫助選擇最好的方法,時間和地點出售,以實現最大的回報 如果你對以上任何這些科目感興趣,請通過我們的“電子郵件”,或直接與我們聯繫。 売却者の皆様: *無料かつ守秘義務によるコンサルテーション *美術市場に関する助言、市場リポート、世界市場動向報告等 *専門的、客観的、かつ守秘義務による助言 *個人収集家、美術館、関連機関、投資ファンド、個別美術商、オークションハウス等、世界的な連絡先との接触 *展覧会の企画管理、個人的な視察 *最大報酬に到達するための最適な売却方法、場所、及び機会の選択をお手伝いさせて頂きます。 これらの事項に関してひとつでもご興味がおありでしたら、貴殿の連絡先、ご興味関心事について、Email を通して、または、直接弊社までお問い合わせ下さい。 |