Exhibition Of Inscriptions On British Afternoon Tea Ware The Beauty Of Inscriptions On 925 Sterling Silver Tea Ware From 18th Century To Art Deco
Amid the rise of artificial intelligence, we live in a society that is constructed by man, yet risks being surpassed by human ingenuity itself. This renders parallels to the 19th century, when the decline of manual workshops in place of mechanised mass production made humans fearful and uneasy. We therefore need to slow down, and consider our relationship with the past. Through appreciating these beautiful artworks – elegantly shaped and exquisitely handcrafted – one can experience the wisdom of our forefathers and the ambition of their dreams. They worked meticulously, sparing no expense to create exquisite works. Against this backdrop, we have planned an exhibition of antique British sterling silver tea sets and high-quality bone China tea sets from the 18th century to the Art Deco period, based around the theme of ‘British afternoon tea’. This will accompany a demonstration on how to correctly drink English afternoon tea, following traditional British custom. We hope that our guests will not only find aesthetic appreciation in the display, but also a unique in-depth cultural experience. 當人類歷史正當邁進AI時代,一個由人類創造而操作,但卻也許超越人類智能的機器人時代, 正如十九世紀蒸汽機發明使用時,人類進入由機器代替手工作坊時,人類引起的恐慌與不安。是的,正因如此,我們是否有必要稍稍緩慢下來,沈浸在一期一會的空間里,去靜觀,去通過這些已經經過百年以上的篩選,一代一代地承傳下來的精湛技藝和優美造型的手工藝術品,體驗先人的智慧和創造,感受他們的夢想,他們一絲不苟,不惜時間和金錢的代價,創作出來的傑出作品。 正因為基於此考慮,我們這次策劃了以英國下午茶為主題的從十八世紀至(art deco) 時期的英國純銀古董茶器和優質的骨瓷茶套具展,並且企划了一場講授如何正確地飲用英國下午茶的體驗課,讓熱愛藝術,熱愛生活的來賓們既有一次視覺審美的享受,又是一次獨一無二的文化深入體驗。 Curator. Betty Lutyens-Humfrey